Other products and companies mentioned herein may be trademarks of the respective owners. Content is subject to change without notice. The publisher will not be held liable for any damages caused by or alleged to be caused by use, misuse, abuse, or misinterpretation of the contents. This manual is provided without express, statutory, or implied warranties. This material may not be reprinted, republished, broadcast, or otherwise altered without the publisher's written permission. Available exclusively from the publisher: P.O. 0 D-1 thru D-70.0 Page Change Page Change 7-1 thru 7-22. 15 February 2015 List of Effective Pages Document Title: IO-550 Permold Series Engine Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Publication Number: M-16 Initial Publication Date: 1 September 2014 Page Change Page Change Cover.
Instruction contained in the previous edition of M-16 and Forms X30634 and X30568 are superseded upon FAA acceptance and release of this document. CHANGE Supersedure Notice This manual is a revision of publication M-16, dated 31 August 2011. IO-550-A B C G N P R CONTINENTAL® AIRCRAFT ENGINE PERMOLD SERIES ENGINE MAINTENANCE AND OVERHAUL MANUAL Technical Portions Accepted by the Federal Aviation Administration Publication M-16 © 2015 CONTINENTAL MOTORS, INC.